Monday, March 4, 2013

Silence is the best way to keep emotions from boiling up. You don't want to push away someone you held on to for so long. 

But let's admit it: It's easier to get mad and walk away than to keep calm and stay. 

It's easier to hate someone and save yourself from all the hurt but when you remember the days you spent just to build whatever you guys have, you realize they're still worth it. Hey, you've gone too far. Would you waste everything you did to win someone and just lose him/her just because of your temporary emotions?

It's annoying. Really, I get that. You feel it's not worth keeping anymore. You feel bad. You're not happy. But why realize it just now? Is it too late or not yet too late to go away?

You can't decide. You weigh things up. It's hard to say everything you feel, much more when even you can't find the exact words to describe them and much much more when you lack the opportunity to say them. And the hardest? When he/she doesn't even bother to listen.

For now, just remain silent. Refrain from saying hurtful and offensive words. Don't turn a hair. Remember, you chose this. Only you can save yourself from this situation. Of course, God will. What I meant is you only have the choice and to act on it. 

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